The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) development is the Thai Government’s $40 Billion Public-Private (PPP) investment program that encompasses 3 key provinces (Chachoengsao, Chonburi and Rayong) and lies at the heart of Thailand’s 4.0 scheme.

The EEC’s 12 targeted S-curve industries are: cars; smart electronics; medical and wellness tourism; agriculture and biotechnology; food; robotics for industry; logistics and aviation; biofuels and biochemicals; the digital economy; medical services; defence; and education development.

The EEC aims to stimulate innovation and technological advancement to improve the quality of living, through “7 Smart” solutions – Smart Mobility, Smart People, Smart Living, Smart Economy, Smart Governance, Smart Energy and Smart Environment. The overall plan is to create a “Livable Smart City” for its residents and investors where technological integration, low carbon emission, a circular economy, and access to good public healthcare and education will not only create an environment suited for innovation, but also for sustainable living.

THAILAND, with its population of 66 million, stands at the heart of the ASEAN Economic Community, a 10-nation Southeast Asian common market of 661.8 million consumers. It has the 2nd largest economy in Southeast Asia, with a strong consumer base having a total buying power of over US$246.11 billion.


The heart of the ASEAN region.

Strategic Location and Market Access

Digital Infrastructure with Data Center

Most Competitive Business Costs

Second Home of International Companies

Thailand Citizenship in 5-years via Investment

Thai Culture/Hospitality and Area Attractions

Availability of Local Financing & Strategic Partners


Mature and Vibrant Capital Markets

Favorable Conditions for Start-up Companies

Over 20 of 100+ Thai Universities on Board with EEC

Skilled workforce drawn from Thai University System

Exceptional and Affordable Medical Health System

High Quality of Life and Low Cost of Living


Tax privileges under the Investment Promotion Act

  • Corporate income tax exemption for certain activities for up to 13 years.

  • Exemption of import duty on machinery.

  • Exemption of import duty on raw materials for export production and research and development.

  • Research and development expenses for personnel development for some activities, can be deducted as expenses from 100-300%.

  • Fund money to support the development of target technology according to the Competitiveness Enhancement Act.

Additional non-tax benefits under the EEC Act

Bringing foreigners into and staying in the Kingdom: Immigration rights of knowledgeable executives or experts and spouses and dependents Able to live in Thailand for a maximum of 4 years